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(58 Likes) Why do people complain that the rich are “sitting on their money” when their money is in the bank? Aren’t banks lending most of this money back to the economy? Am I wrong about this?
the utility of capital slowed the recovery after the 2008 housing crisis, and most insidiously the wealthy sitting on their money let the wealthier sit on their money Let me try to answer the question about the problems created by the wealthy US citizens holding their money. Discussing how the FED increased their holdings in the first place AFTER the 2008 FINANCIAL CRISIS, S. love doll loli DON’T ACCEPT ECONOMIC ACTIVITY – THE PROBLEM WAS NO ONE WAS SPENDING The main problem was that the Fed believed banks would lend money that was given to them, but instead used the money to strengthen their balance sheets. On the surface, this may seem like a good thing. But it is not. The Fed has a tough job – I’ve heard that compared to driving the Titanic looking in the rearview mirror. The leverage they have is very indirect, and if they inject too much money, they create inflation as devastating as a recession. Quantitative Relaxation lowers interest rates – which is great – if you’re borrowing money[1]… The problem was that the banks were not lending. Credit feeds a healthy economy. And if banks distributed loans fairly – which includes taking increased risks in small businesses, first-time homeowners and equipment financing – the benefits of Fed intervention would be more evenly distributed throughout the economy, NOT ONLY BANKS WILL GIVE MONEY, BUT THEIR POLICIES REALLY INCREASE INEQUALITY Although the post is about the ECB, the same basic mechanisms operate in the US. RECEIVED 99 PERCENT OF MONEY IN 2008 AND DISTRIBUTED TO THE TOP 1 PERCENT[2]
HOW IS IT RELATED TO THIS WHOLE EXPENDITURE PROBLEM? Overall, most of the recent increase in wealth of the top 1% is not due to productivity gains, job creation or any contribution to overall well-being. Collectively, they got even richer by rigging the game – otherwise known as “rent-seeking” behavior (increasing one’s share of existing wealth without creating new wealth) As a segment of the population, the richest 1% unilaterally added to the 99% allocated money … and they have no intention of giving it back.[3][4]
“Financial Policy” (the Federal Reserve reviving the banking system) is not enough to tackle a financial crisis[5]without the inflationary “Public Policy” that is too effective[6] (Public Policy would require federal and state governments to spend significant deficit spending. Unfortunately, conservatives often focus on an imaginary “debt problem” – knowing that citizens will compound the national deficit with a Footnote.
[1] page not found
[2] X://eml.berkeley.edu//~saez/saez-UStopincomes-2012.pdf
[3] Xs://files.stlouisfed.org/files/htdocs/publications/review/87/03/Changes_Mar1987.pdf
[4] GDP, Wealth, Wealth Effect and Marginal Propensity to Consume
[5] 81.5%
(89 Likes) If the new sex dolls are this realistic, can they applaud you?
br> In the book, a shipping agent talks about another ship’s captain (not a robot) with a rubber doll (not a robot) he kept in his cabin so as not to be unfaithful to his wife. One day the captain gets sick and goes to a doctor. The doctor says it’s an STD. The captain says NO and explains. But remember hi
(97 Likes) I’m 18 years old and I have a job. Do you mind if I still like dolls? It sounds childish, but I really like them.
I have collector’s Barbies and lots of porcelain, many dressed as characters from my books, but my favorites are Asian Ball-jointed Dolls, many of whom also dress as characters from my books. Try stopping by and joining us: Dollieh Sanctuary There are many of us who are much older than you. Even a few mothers with teenage daughters who love both
(88 Likes) Is it legal to make a sex doll exactly look like an existing person like Pamela Anderson or Julianne Hough, at the request of a client, or do they need permission from the person to use the likeness?
However, there is no talk about how he played CJ Parker in the series Baywatch. CJ is a typical blonde bombshell, but the point is that she’s a cute character. Characters like Stephanie Holden were shown to be too arrogant, while Summer Quinn was shown to be a little too insecure, making CJ one of the more endearing characters in the series. You might be asking what does CJ have to do with Pamela being offscreen? Some. we
(90 Likes) Why does my ex-boyfriend still want to use me for sex?
pass these expectations on to the other person for fear of losing their ex-boyfriend They want approval and can still attract a man but they are ashamed of it because they think sex is a taboo, there is only Mini Sex Doll, a lifestyle based on the expectations of others and the norms and customs you have been taught. you are in conflict. You seem to think that on the one hand you are special, on the other hand you want to be desired, and if someone has sex with you, even if it fulfills your desire and need, only you are not special. Let’s look at the facts… Your ex isn’t using you because if he’s using you, you’re using him too and you don’t want to take responsibility for your own behavior and you like to have sex with him. It seems that people, especially women, are conditioned to shame about sex and have to have some kind of rocking, swapping, something, a label, assuming sex is something divine now because they have a vagina. Sex is not bad. It’s natural. Only you decide with the person who decides to experience something wonderful together. If you don’t want sex, you can walk away and say no, but instead go to him of your own choosing, be with him, undress, have sex with him and… there’s nothing wrong with that. Then you complain to the people here, but the people here come from all backgrounds, perceptions, reality, religion, belief and you expect them to tell you what is wrong and what is right. Many see sex as a weapon, many see sex as this divine thing, many see sex as its own merit, many see sex as religious or taboo or if you have sex before marriage or intercourse or unlabeled intercourse or fuckbuddy, or threesome, they all think they are right and someone else is wrong. Which is nonsense. The world was created for everyone, not for them, and everyone’s needs, desires and aspirations are different. Your ex-boyfriend is having sex with you because you want him, and you want sex, and that’s okay. Maybe you’ve grown to believe that sex is like work. You don’t have sex until you barter a contract, a business transaction, a transaction called a relationship, so you can be like everyone else, fit in like everyone else, and you probably even think that’s what makes you special. If you walk into a police station and say, “He’s using me for sex,” they’ll admit to rape, sexual harassment. This sex is happening without your consent and choice to have sex with someone. This is not entirely true. The truth is, you expect something else. The truth is, you have other expectations, you want to change it, if he continues to have sex, maybe one day you can fix it, change it and get the relationship back. Please pay attention here… I don’t know what other women and men have taught you, what you have learned from society and people around you. But having or not having sex will NEVER hold a man. I’m talking about a confident man, a man who knows his own worth, a man who doesn’t follow other people’s opinions or fear them, and a man that probably many of them would troll and ban from here. Truth-speaking men who don’t indulge. You have expectations, you want to control your ex to be someone you want them to be, and you know, if you do, it will be gone. If you don’t want sex, say so. Contact him. If you want a relationship tag and everything that goes with it, contact him. And if he says no, don’t tell him he’s using you because he isn’t. You’re an adult, you decide to have sex with him, you take responsibility for your decisions, and you don’t blame anyone or complain that he’s using you. Fair enough if you don’t like having sex with him without having expectations in mind. Go away. Say it, but please stop talking about your ex using you. It’s old, same old thing most girls and women say because they expect something else, they play games to fix the guy and change him to be someone they want. You are so addicted to the challenge and the hard thing is easy because it doesn’t excite you and it’s boring. And also the women who give you advice should talk about the double standard of how he uses himself, comfort him, and like the mainstream media making women weak, miserable, and always the victim. You are not a victim. He is not a victim. Neither is her ex-boyfriend. you are a woman who has decided